On 04/09/12 23:15, Philip Chang wrote:
Thanks for this feedback.
A user subpage sounds good but the issue is how to create that from the app.
Hmm, it should be easy: action=edit&title=User:Pchang/Files%20 to_upload_later&appendtext=*%20DSC0001.JPG%20From+the+top+of+Eiffel+Tower.%0A&summary=Adding+note+using+the+Mobile+App+to+upload+from+the+Desktop+the+file+ DSC0001.JPG&token=...
What I am imagining is adding a category to those specific uploads, something like, "To be replaced on desktop."
This will help users find them later and would provide some indicator to admins.
The main problem is when to consider an upload-to-be abandoned. How long will it take the user to upload it from home? A couple of days? A week? A month? It doesn't seem unlikely that a user waits up to a month to upload his vacation photos (to begin with he may need to go back home from the country he is visiting, and then he will have more priority issues than uploading to Commons). But leaving a placeholder file for a month seems too much IMHO.