On 26 October 2011 21:24, Andre Koopal
<andre@molens.org> wrote:
For the WLM in the Netherlands I want to make statistics from how many
monuments somebody made a picture.
In principle the sql for this is simple:
SELECT img_user_text, COUNT(img_user) FROM image
JOIN page ON img_name=page_title
JOIN categorylinks AS clA ON page_id=clA.cl_from
WHERE page_namespace=6
AND page_is_redirect=0
AND clA.cl_to='Images_from_Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2011_in_the_Netherlands'
and img_timestamp > '20110831220000'
and img_timestamp < '20110930220000'
GROUP BY img_user_text
ORDER BY COUNT(img_user_text) DESC;
However, the uploader selected here is the last uploader, not the first. Due
to this, one of the uploaders in this list is 'rotatebot'.
I know the other uploaders are in a different table, but I don't see an easy
way to build the query, certainly because there is not always something
in that table.
Does anybody know a good way to solve this?
Part of the reason I was looking for this is because of our quantity price,
but fortunately the number of pictures of rotatebot is low enough not to
have effect on the top 3.
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