Hi everyone!


We have some problems in Denmark getting a list of listed buildings. There should be about 9,000 and they should all be online.


If you are not “technical” you can skip the rest of this mail.


They can all be seen here https://www.kulturarv.dk/fbb/ (if website works).


We have been told that it is possible to get information via webservices on this site http://www.kulturarv.dk/databaser/webservices/ and I have a username and password but I lack the knowledge to get the information.


See under “Data om bygninger” (data about buildings) and “SOAP Service”.


What we need is informations like (English - Danish):

·         Name - Eventuelt navn (Betegnelse)

·         Type - Bygningstype

·         Original use - Oprindelig anvendelse

·         Build year - Opførelsesår (ombygningsår)

·         Architect - Arkitekt

·         Adress - Beliggenhed (adresse)

·         Municipality - Kommune                    

·         Coord – Koordinater

·         System number - Entydigt nummer (BBR? Fredningsnummer?)

·         Year the building was listed - Fredningsår

·         URL - Link til hjemmeside (opslag) -  enten fx https://www.kulturarv.dk/fbb/bygningvis.pub?bygning=7423284 eller https://www.kulturarv.dk/fbb/sagvis.pub?sag=7396663


We have tried and failed and we got this hint (in Danish):


“Metoden de skal kalde er findBygninger som skal kaldes med parametrene -1 for tal og ingenting for strengværdier, på nær fredningsstatus som skal være 1. Denne returnerer en liste af id´er (alle fredede bygninger i Danmark), som herefter skal benyttes til at kalde metoden eksporterBygningerXML eller eksporterBygningXML. I denne xml findes i hvert fald nogle af de oplysninger de forespørger.”


Google translation + my corrections:


”The method they should call is findBygninger (locate buildings) to be called with parameters -1 for numbers and nothing for string values​​, except the conservation status that must be 1. This returns a list of IDs (all listed buildings in Denmark), which should then be used to call the method eksporterBygningerXML or eksporterBygningXML. In this xml is at least some of the information they have requested.”


Some times 2 or more buildings are being protected in the same “case” and that would not be a problem if a building complex is made of more than one building. But it seems that buildings that are not even close are sometimes in the same “case”. Not sure you can use this information :-)


If you think you can help you can contact me for username and password.



Michael / MGA73