Hi Ciell,

The upload campaign page you link to is based on a maintenance category only. Using this category for the statistics of the contest is not right. The upload wizards for WLM have been designed in such way that people who want to upload images after the contest closed, are still able to easily contribute to Wikipedia/Wikimedia with uploading.


2017-09-30 15:55 GMT+02:00 Ciell Wikipedia <ciell.wikipedia@gmail.com>:
Hi there!

WLM 2017 is coming to it's end and we are wrapping things up over here in Europe. Cleaning up the templates, doing last checks and off course enjoying the beautifull images.

Looking at the Dutch Campaign page on Commons, it's adds the 2017 images to the 2015 images of the last time we joined. That can't be right, right? Can somebody please correct that and delte the images uploaded in 2015 from this campaign?
We don't have 11.000 images this year, but 5.000+.
