At this point no international team for Wiki Loves
Monuments seems to have formed, although an international team
for Wiki Loves Earth seems to have to some extent.
I'm assuming there will be /no/ international competition
unless someone gives a shout soon. I'm asking, because I get
this question quite often for some reason...
As indicated before, my personal preference (and I received
a fair amount of positive feedback on that) is to see an
alternative competition of Wiki Loves Earth in even years
(2014, 2016) and Wiki Loves Monuments in odd years (2015,
2017). I still won't be involved in the international
coordination, but it would be good to see a viable and
sustainable model develop :)
I'm asking whether these assumptions are still valid,
because I still hold access to the mailing lists, the
international website and the social media accounts. If an
international team does stand up, I would like to at least
grant them access to those.
Anyway, please let me know if I missed anything :)