Yes, I see your point. A dream scenario would be to use the existing tool but make a mashup with the bot. When a user uploads a file with an EXIF coordinate, the map pops up and asks for the photographed object location, centered to the camera location. After the user has dropped the flag on the object the user press Done and everything else would be automated.

Med vänliga hälsningar 
Jan Ainali
Ordförande, Wikimedia Sverige

2011/7/15 Jane Darnell <>
Yes, but I would like to see a empty hole in the photo template that you can just plop that info into for these monuments - remember, lots of people will be VERY frightened off by that tag and in this specific case, be dazzled by SEVEN options to choose from...

2011/7/15 Jan Ainali <>
Of the seven possible templates to copy back (down to the left on that page), the two last ones are object location.

Med vänliga hälsningar 
Jan Ainali
Ordförande, Wikimedia Sverige

2011/7/15 Jane Darnell <>
OMG OMG!!! (sorry for the enthusiasm) That is the solution right there! You copy&paste the coords from the bot-generated camera location and then that tool zeros right down to street level - I just tried it with the file Tomasz sent me and the adjusted coords are returned in the same format. All we need is a way to copy&paste those back into object location - do we have that?

2011/7/15 Jan Ainali <>
If we find someone who can do some hacking (which I can't) perhaps there is a way to integrate this tool to let the user select the location? 

Med vänliga hälsningar 
Jan Ainali
Ordförande, Wikimedia Sverige

2011/7/15 Jane Darnell <>
Thanks for those links! As the Dutch say, "now my wooden clog is breaking". Using the wonderful link right there to open street maps, is there a way to ask the user who clicked on the image to update the template:location if it is empty? This way the user just needs to move the geo pointer on the map to the correct location (you probably need google satellite view for this, not open street maps)

2011/7/15 Tomasz Ganicz <>
2011/7/15 Jane Darnell <>:
> Jan, I don't have a camera that does this, so I can't test it, but do I
> understand from this that the EXIF info automatically gets stuffed into
> a Template:Location (camera location) field as it stands now? Because that
> way for the countries who have their act together with the GIS coordinates
> (like the Netherlands, Ahem!) we should do nothing, and then for the
> countries who are missing coordinates, we can have a bot move this info
> into Template:Object location and dump it into a category "GIS coordinates
> for XXX monuments  under review" or some such thing


Typical recent action of the bot:,_Fr%29_Salle_des_f%C3%AAtes.JPG&diff=prev&oldid=56610675

I think we can simply talk to the owner of this bot to add such a
functionality. Although IMHO quite substantial number of pictures of
monuments are taken from some distance. especially tall and large
buildings. Even if you take a picture of smaller object such as this:,_Fr%29_Salle_des_f%C3%AAtes.JPG

Your possition is at least 6 to 10 meters from the possition of the
object. It is better than nothing but anyway it is still wrong. For
example if the small church in on the corner of the small square - if
you take a picture from the opposite corner which is 50 m in distance
it will put the possition of the church in obviously wrong place :-)


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Med vänliga hälsningar 
Jan Ainali
Ordförande, Wikimedia Sverige

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