On 07/09/12 23:54, Arthur Richards wrote:
I also think Platonides naming suggestion is a good one, however it is preferable to solve this problem at the data level (either in the monument lists to later get picked up in the db, or just a hack in the db generation scripts), that way it is a universal fix for all app users. If we hack a band-aid fix into the app, it would only be available for folks using the latest version of the app, which means there may continue to be strange errors, etc for folks on outdated app versions. Solving this at the data level means every user (regardless of app version) would see the updated data.
IMHO the db should contain the real data. You can of course modify what wlm.wikimedia.org provides (triggered by an old User-Agent?), you would be perverting the layer functionality, though. Also note that there are I18N issues there, since you'd want to inject the message in a dozen languages depending on the list. Its place is the UI, affected like other translations. :/