I am thinking to contact Sony Switzerland for  sponsoring opportunities, ideally I could talk about the european aspect of the contest and trying to discuss a global sponsoring! But for that I need to be sure that none of us is talking with another brand, we are all ok if we have a Camera brand as sponsor?

I see in the minutes of Berlin that Nicole should try to see with Zeiss, as it is a part of Sony, there is no conflict, but we could try to have a common line of discussions with sponsors.


sony sponsoring guidelines 
in deutsch http://www.sony.ch/lang/de/article/id/1069862800297
in french  http://www.sony.ch/lang/fr/article/id/1073396360933

Charles ANDRES, Membre du Comité
Wikimedia CH - Association pour l'avancement des connaissances libres

Skype: charles.andres.wmch