There is a problem with the german umlaut ß (all the others, ä, ö and ü, work), the pictures aren't downloaded. I don't have the time to look into that now, so I keep downloading all the others and will try to find a solution tomorrow (and then download the ß-ones).

So if your language has some special characters that are accepted on commons and widely used (unfortunately, the german word for street is Straße ;) ) you should test that first. Once I have a workaround, I'll let you know.

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:37 PM, elya <> wrote:
...and here comes the documentation for the file list script, my
gratitude goes to DerHexer:

0) replace one line in the python script:

old: liste = inhalt.split()
new: liste = inhalt.split(",")

1) add this line to your personal vector.js on Commons:

importScript('Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2011/filelistpercountry.js');

2) Trigger with this URL:

3) Input the country (spelling like in the WLM category, e.g. "the
Netherlands") and click "OK"

3a) Have a coffee or two, depending on the number of images ...

4) Get your list :)



Am 01.10.11 21:41, schrieb Kilian Kluge:
> Since the question was just raised on the IRC channel, I thought I'd share
> our procedure with everybody.
> First, some background information: We have nine jurors in Germany, eight of
> them being Wikipedians from various fields and backgrounds and one expert.
> The jury will meet at the end of October for two days and will compile a top
> 100.
> To prepare this weekend (they have to reach a decision then no matter what
> ;) ) it's obviously necessary to previously review all the pictures, there
> shouldn't be more than say 600-900 pictures to judge from. So we decided to
> do the following: Each of the eight Wikipedians will get his or her share of
> the almost 30000 uploads and will have to select at most 100 to bring to the
> final round.
> Each juror receives his or her 3750 pictures on a usb flash drive. This
> allows me to "randomize" what each juror gets and is also very convenient
> for the jurors since they don't have to download anything. On the flash
> drive, each juror can handle the pictures in whatever way they like. They
> can delete some, create folders, use the image viewer of their choice, tag
> the pictures etc. For the final meeting, they can just bring the flash drive
> with them and the jury can quickly and easily create a shortlist.
> The files still have their original name, so after the jury made their
> decision, they can go to commons and check whether each selected picture
> really fulfills all requirements.
> So how does it work exactly?
> I got a chronological list from the commons API with all files uploaded for
> WLM in Germany. I asked german Wikipedian DerHexer for the list, he claims
> it's quite easy to do, we already asked him to provide examples or - even
> better - a small form.
> The list comes as one long line separated by spaces (which in my opinion is
> weird ;) ) and I wrote a short python script to handle it:
> print "importing modules"
> import os
> print "reading monument list"
> file = open("komplett.txt","r")
> inhalt =
> liste = inhalt.split()
> print "starting download"
> juror = 1
> counter = 0
> for monument in liste:
> print counter
> # going to destination
> os.chdir(str(juror))
> # preparing wget
> call = "wget " + monument
> # call wget
> os.system(call)
> # mess with jurors
> juror = juror + 1
> if juror > 8: juror = 1
> counter = counter + 1
> os.chdir("..")
> print "Done. " + str(counter) + " files processed."
> It's a little messed up in terms of language, but I guess you can see what
> it does. komplett.txt is the file with all the urls in it, i split it up and
> process each url. As I already mentioned, we have eight jurors, so I created
> eight folders named "1", "2", ..., "8" and the script walks through these
> folders. It works quite well, currently I'm at number 1600 ;)
> So if there are any questions, let me know, I'll try to answer them.
> Best regards,
> Kilian

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