Dear all,

After I returned home, I realized that even though we made a wonderful budget for the European part of Wiki Loves Monuments, we did not decide how to split it up amongst the European chapters. Please find below the estimated costs. I would like to ask the chapters that can spare it, to consider contributing to this budget. More specifically, I would like to get at least a reply from: France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland whether they would be able to take a share in this budget. 



To bring back in memory, the following costs were estimated: 

TOTAL: Worst case scenario: 10.300 € + shipping − Best-case scenario: 3.000€

* Prizes (1.500€) (if no sponsors are found)
* Printing 500+ calendars (WMPL will find budget locally): 3.000 euro
* shipping + boxes, winning messages and so on. ( 200 for finalists + 300 for the chapters) 
* Intl. thankyou goodies (calendars will go for that now)
* grant system for chapters that need help. 1.500 euro 
* Optional: Jury costs? (7 people (says 8 above)): 2.400 (travel) + 400 (hotel) + 200 (meeting room) + 300 (living costs) = 3.300 euro 
* Announcement costs? 1.000 euro (worst case)

please note: 
* Hopefully printing costs will end up at zero
* Odder is still trying to find an estimate for shipping costs
* Jury costs we did not make a decision on, but I budgeted it in for worst case.
* Announcement costs are assuming that we cannot do that during DISH. 
* This is on top of existing budget by Wikimedia Nederland (for travel costs etc)