Hi David,
I developed the tool for last year. I would indeed like to develop it further, or even rewrite it from scratch if other developers want to join in. Last year there was a lot of interest in this but the timeline was short and most potential contributors could not promise to stick to a deadline, so it was agreed that this year we would develop the tool together. Now is indeed a good time to start if you have time.
Regarding the features, almost everything on the list at this moment already exists in the existing tool, but there are a bunch of other unfulfilled feature requests that I have. I realize that the lack of documentation or a config GUI don't help users with configuration, for example some of the config can only be done through PHPMyAdmin/other MySQL tool/direct queries.
If you want to start developing this year's tool with more orderly code, a doc, a config GUI, etc., I'll be happy to assist even if it means that my old tool which took a lot of time to write and improve would go out of use—or you can use the existing tool and build it up.
Keep in mind (and I can't emphasize this enough) that it's *not* too early to be developing it now—it's exactly the right time. If we wait till August-ish like last year, I am certain that we won't get much done.