On 03/09/12 00:24, Strainu wrote:
2012/9/3 Cristian Consonni kikkocristian@gmail.com:
Hi everybody,
whilst trying to access http://toolserver.org/~emijrp/wlm/italy/ I got a 500 error. Is this due to a high number of accesses to that page or it's just me :) ?
As a certain webpage which I don't remember said, the meaning of http codes is:
200 - all OK 300 - talk to that other guy over there 400 - you messed up 500 - we messed up
So it's probably not you, but the server. Anyway, it's working for me ATM.
One of toolserver web servers had problems earlier today, but they have already been fixed (hours before Cristian mail). Hmm, it seems to have been improved. Maybe you hit it during a small maintenance.