Well that is truly extraordinary and I had no idea this was happening. My compliments to  User:DschwenBot!! Back to what I was saying, let me rephrase: I would like a new, country-oriented WLM bot to COPY, not move, the coords to the object location for those countries that do not have it, in order to ease the burden of GIS coordinate input by WLM volunteers. I am trying to find a solution for some of those sorry old lists of monuments. If we can help the heritage organizations do their job better, we can have a great window of opportunity here to showcase our achievements (like  User:DschwenBot)


2011/7/15 Jan Ainali <jan.ainali@wikimedia.se>
Yes, automatically as in when User:DschwenBot decides to run the bot, which right now is daily. 

My suggestion would be to not move it into Template:Obejct location by a bot. First, it is useful to keep the camera location. Second, we will be fairly certain that for some time, we will have plenty of pictures with an errounus object location. Better would be to just adding the category you suggested and let humans decide when to use that information to make an object location.

In an ideal world, each image should have both templates, which could open up to new exciting ways to visualize objects (like walk-arounds, finding viewpoints etc.).

Med vänliga hälsningar 
Jan Ainali
Ordförande, Wikimedia Sverige

2011/7/15 Jane Darnell <jane023@gmail.com>
Jan, I don't have a camera that does this, so I can't test it, but do I understand from this that the EXIF info automatically gets stuffed into a Template:Location (camera location) field as it stands now? Because that way for the countries who have their act together with the GIS coordinates (like the Netherlands, Ahem!) we should do nothing, and then for the countries who are missing coordinates, we can have a bot move this info into Template:Object location and dump it into a category "GIS coordinates for XXX monuments  under review" or some such thing

2011/7/15 Jan Ainali <jan.ainali@wikimedia.se>
Well, the EXIF coordinates I believe the bot put in a Template:Location (that's for camera location). The monuments themselves should be mapped towards Template:Object location.

If we already have the locations for the monuments, then the user should only need to worry about what monument was photographed and we should work some magic in the background to poulate the object location template.

Med vänliga hälsningar 
Jan Ainali
Ordförande, Wikimedia Sverige

2011/7/15 Jane Darnell <jane023@gmail.com>
Awesome! Then the next step is trying to use them somehow, while keeping in mind Tomasz' point, i.e. those coordinates could be far away. I really don't like the idea of putting the burden of GIS coordinates on the uploader, unless this EXIF feature is there already. I think the upload form needs to recognize this and ask if those coordinates can be used for the object or better for the camera, or something like that

2011/7/15 Jan Ainali <jan.ainali@wikimedia.se>
AFAIK, if the the coordinates are stored in the EXIF-information of the file, there is a bot on Commons who takes care of covering it to the right template. 

Med vänliga hälsningar 
Jan Ainali
Ordförande, Wikimedia Sverige

2011/7/15 Tomasz Ganicz <polimerek@gmail.com>
2011/7/15 Jane Darnell <jane023@gmail.com>:
> Hmm. That brings to mind the fact that modern camera's have a GIS system
> built in -- does the upload form harvest this info?Technically speaking,
> this is not the coordinates of the monument, but of the viewpoint of the
> camera, which is often close enough!

But not always. You take sometimes a picture from a quite distance.
See for example:


So, to make it proper - the uploader should insert both - the
possition of photographer and possion of the monument.

I think the upload form could have some "advanced"  options, which are
not obligatory, bu the uploader can fill them if he/she needs, and we
can encourage people to do this. The form can be very simple in its
basic form and have "more options" button just like reference tool in

Tomek "Polimerek" Ganicz

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