Hi Philip -

Thank you very much for that!  We'll test it shortly and you can assume all is well if I don't come back here again with this issue.

On a related note, we're ok to manually tag the images that have already been uploaded as long as we're able to trace them.  How do we go about doing that? I mean, what's the easiest way of searching images uploaded in September 2021 from Category:Uploaded_via_Campaign:wlm-mt ? Or is there another way you (or anyone else on this list) would suggest?

Thanks again,


On Tuesday, September 7, 2021, 02:55:14 PM GMT+1, Philip Kopetzky <philip.kopetzky@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Toni,

mt was missing in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:WLM-is-running/dates - I added it, please try again. The template should be added now during the upload, you'll have to manually add the template to the already uploaded images unfortunately.


On Tue, 7 Sept 2021 at 14:00, Toni Sant <toni.sant@wikimalta.org> wrote:
Hi -

We're hoping that someone on this list can help us with a very specific issue on WLM 2021 in Malta.

It looks like uploads from Malta on WLM 2021 are not being assigned the hidden category Image from Wiki Loves Monument 2021 in Malta automatically through the upload wizard assigned to campaign=wlm-mt

For this reason, Category:Images from Wiki Loves Monuments 2021 in Malta remains empty!

I've just uploaded a test image via the Upload Wizard attached to campaign=wlm-mt to double check this.  You can see it here:

From what I can see, it has not been assigned the hidden category Category:Images from Wiki Loves Monuments 2021 in Malta automatically.

I have a feeling that the solution is just a matter of editing a template, but I'm not sure which template needs editing exactly.

We would greatly appreciate any direct help or suggestions to fix this.

Many thanks,


Dr Toni Sant
Wikimedia Community Malta

Email: toni.sant@wikimalta.org
Web: http://www.wikimalta.org
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