Hi all,
I'm trying to summarize here the status for all the country updates. I would like to ask you all to correct whenever something is wrong. Please read it carefully! Suggestions to each other might be helpful.
Sometimes I ask specifically for updates - especially when I think that sharing information might be helpful. It would be great if you could really do so on this list, so that others can use it too.
Participating countries definitely:
Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Spain, France, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania
Participating countries maybe/probably:
Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Finland, Norway, Russia, Sweden
Countries unknown/maybe:
Italy, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Slovenia
Relevant links:
Amical said they would be willing to organize WLM in Andorra. I have since then not heard anything any more, and cannot find information online. Update would be welcome. Monuments available in European WLM database. (
wikilovesmonuments.ad registered/used?)
Joined in late, but are working hard on the lists. Some 22% done, more to come. Nothing yet in the database. Working on trademark agreement (temp) with WMF to do the contest.
There is some interest. The Dutch Wikipedians have created the lists already, work is being done to transfer the Walloon lists to frwiki. Main bottle neck is real life organization part. Real life meeting begin July.
Switzerland (CH):
Website is up, but needs still adaptation to some best practices/agreements from Berlin. Lists are there and imported. Partners OK it seems, things seem to run fine!
Lists are available, with relevant data. Not yet available in the European Database. Unclear status for partners, awards and jury.
Lists is still biggest bottle neck, together with motivated volunteers throughout the country. No data yet in database. Jury, awards etc will work out. Seperate update email would be very very welcome!
Lists are available, also in European database. Have some partners, have set up website. How is jury, awards etc working out?
Both Amical and Wikimedia Espaņa are working on organizing this event in Spain together. The status of the lists seems to depend on the region. More detailed update would be very welcome!
Maarten is trying hard to put them into touch with the correct government. Hopefully more info soon.
Working on getting the lists on the wiki, data is available in European database. Further status currently unknown. Update very welcome!
Only some 175 monuments, so should be doable for CH/AT to help out. Unclear if this is actually happening or not. No locals known? WMCH might be able to help, but no reaction yet to request.
Lists are available onwiki and in the european database. Bottle neck is volunteers - none are known to be active on this. Any contacts/help would be welcome.
Lists complete (& in Eur.db.) , National Heritage board is very cooperative. over 400.000 images released on 800px scale, but cannot be processed until after WLM. Heemschut supports a lot, and freelancer is helping with the press side. Have found some potential awards, working now on jury.
Started late, but working hard to make up for it. Are in touch with heritage board to get the lists, after that they will be able to move fast because of existing contacts with partners/sponsors. More news coming up soon.
page yet on commons! Lists still under construction (?) similar situation with federative problems as in Germany. Unclear if help with contacts would be appreciated. Update very welcome, situation mainly unknown.
Lists are available, also in the database. Working hard on partners & sponsors and seem to do well. Looking forward!
Lists complete (only continental?), also in database; addresses still missing. Partners and sponsors going well. Seems everything on schedule?
Joined in late, status mainly unknown. Structure for the lists has been set up, but currently not filled in yet. Have cooperation with local open source association/community, and temp trademark agreement WMF underway.
Are joining in just now, and I will leave it to them to introduce themselves here with their status.
Currently unclear what the status is - unable to find much online. Update would be very welcome!