Dear all,
We shall need a good international team to have another successful version of Wiki Loves Monuments after 2014. The team should comprise of experience volunteers who have conducted WLM or any such event in their country.
There are numerous tasks and first task will be to hunt and find our countries who shall be willing to organise Wiki Loves Monuments again. To brief, the International Team is more of coordinating with all participating countries and without proper coordination, there will be no international competition for WLM 2015.
Been in the international team is also more of applying for grant, documenting, following up and keeping track of status of all participating countries. Time to be spent may vary according to the skill of team members; more the skills and people, lesser the burden; however you can assume 10 hours a week during the contest (just horrifying).
Would you be interested to be part of international team for WLM 2015, please send me a brief introduction of yourself and also a note on how you would benefit the international team. Please send the same by 6th of Jan.
Regards from Mumbai,
Karthik Nadar.