I think this mail got lost in the flurry of nervous mails about jury tools. After all, if Commons ends up getting between a half a million and a million uploads, there is going to be a really hard job for the jury (not to mention some backlash from the Commons community regarding cleanup of less wanted (ahem) photos of copyright violations, poor quality photos, and so forth). All I can say is, those seem like GREAT problems to have, and that this contest is going better than I expected. Having so many people upload photos is really quite an impressive accomplishment. Just blogging about the numbers coming in doesn't really say enough, in my opinion. Can we say something about the numbers of photos wanted in current lists and how those numbers are doing? 

2012/9/16 Lodewijk <lodewijk@effeietsanders.org>
I didn't use this as a blogpost, since it didn't really have the size we usually have for a WLM blogpost... Only two lines won't make it. Also, I was all weekend at the GLAMcamp in London, so I didn't have the time to write this myself. 

Anyway, I think it would be nice to prepare a post for the 168.208'th picture. Maybe a few other ones in the middle? 


El viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012, Barbara Fischer escribió:

Hi this is the blogpost based on Sylvain's:

Ce matin, après 13 jours de concours, la 100 000ème photo vient d’être déposée. L’an dernier il avait fallu attendre le 25ème jour pour que ce chiffre soit atteint.

 Cette 100 000ème photo représente l’immeuble n°9 de la rue Kostyolnaya à Kiev (Ukraine) où a vécu Sergueï Korolev

Yesterday, after only 13 days of competition the 100.000th photo was uploaded. Last year it took us almost double the amount of time to reach that number. This photo represents the former home of Sergueï Korolev in Kiev (Ukraine) in the Kostyolnaya street n° 9. There image was taken by user AMY.


could you use that for a blogpost?

thanks bfisch
Barbara Fischer
Kuratorin für Kulturpartnerschaften

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2012/9/13 Sylvain Machefert <smachefert@gmail.com>
we had just published a blog post ( http://wikilovesmonuments.fr/2012/09/13/100-000/ ) about the 100000th using the one that had been extracted from emijrp's logs of this morning, don't you mind if we stay on this first file so that everybody has got the same 100000th picture ? :)


2012/9/13 Platonides <platonides@gmail.com>
I ran sql commonswiki_p "SELECT page_title, log_timestamp, log_user_text
from logging JOIN categorylinks ON (log_page = cl_from) LEFT JOIN page
ON (log_page = page_id) WHERE log_timestamp >= '20120831160000' AND
log_type='upload' AND log_action='upload' AND cl_to =
'Images_from_Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2012' ORDER BY log_timestamp ASC,
log_id ASC;" > wlm-100000.txt

This doesn't count the 17 files which were restored
http://toolserver.org/~platonides/wlm2012/restored.php but adds a header
line. So we want the line 99984 of the file.

> less -N wlm-100000.txt

>   99979 Костёльная_7_Киев_2012_01.jpg   20120913084725  AMY 81-412
>   99980 Parc_de_la_Ciutadella,_BCN,_Diada-12.JPG        20120913084741  Deosringas
>   99981 Parc_de_la_Ciutadella,_BCN,_Diada-13.JPG        20120913084835  Deosringas
>   99982 Костёльная_7_Киев_2012_02.jpg   20120913084857  AMY 81-412
>   99983 Украина,_Киев_-_ВДНХ_-_Павильон_10_'Зерновые_культуры'_03.jpg   20120913084908  Alexostrov
> ->99984 Portes_d'accés_al_Parc_de_la_Ciutadella,_BCN,_Diada-1.JPG       20120913084925  Deosringas
>   99985 Härlanda_kyrkoruin_2012-09-13_10-48-52.jpg      20120913084930  SM6XSG
>   99986 Pani_Kotha.JPG  20120913084952  Vijay Bhadani

Or if you prefer a one-liner:
>  $ head -99984 wlm-100000.txt | tail -1
> Portes_d'accés_al_Parc_de_la_Ciutadella,_BCN,_Diada-1.JPG      20120913084925  Deosringas

The Zwierzyniecki_(2) file by emijrp is the 100005 in my record (ie. the
100021th upload).

It's odd that the timestamps are a bit different there between us, though.

The file http://toolserver.org/~platonides/sandbox/wlm-100000.txt

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