Hi Sylvain,

this is indeed something that is being discussed at various places. The short answer is that it is primarily a local matter. Kul is looking into the opportunities for worldwide local sponsorships, but he indicated there is little chance this is going to be possible. 

So yeah, definitely try to find local sponsors. Probably we should set up a place where we can share experiences (good sponsor kits, talking points) and discuss strategies. Lets at least agree not to worry too much about having the same brands in sponsorships - and that whatever we do - no sponsors mentioned on the Wikimedia projects themselves (stating the obvious). As a contest we already have enough momentum to be interesting - last September our contest websites combined received about 7 million hits if I recall correctly (to be confirmed). 

Sylvain, if you have any proposal to share, or material (also if it is in French) please do!


El 20 de abril de 2012 12:55, Sylvain Boissel <sylvain.boissel@wikimedia.fr> escribió:

We at Wikimedia France had some discussions about what we want to ask potential (commercial) sponsors to fund, and what conditions we can accept from them.

I know some discussion about this occured during the last Chapters Meeting in Berlin, but I don't know what was concluded.

As we have to decide soon to have time to send requests to potential sponsors, we would like to have some more advice... What do you think about commercial sponsorship ?

Best regards,

Sylvain Boissel
Chargé de mission communauté et technologie de Wikimédia France
tél - email sylvain.boissel@wikimedia.fr - twitter @sboissel

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