If one is written, just cross-post it on WMF too, going through the process on https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Blog

Med vänliga hälsningar,
Jan Ainali

Verksamhetschef, Wikimedia Sverige 
0729 - 67 29 48

Tänk dig en värld där varje människa har fri tillgång till mänsklighetens samlade kunskap. Det är det vi gör.
Bli medlem.

2014-08-31 0:05 GMT+02:00 Romaine Wiki <romaine.wiki@gmail.com>:
I think we also need it happen somehow that WMF is having a post as well, that for the fifth year on row Wiki Loves Monuments is organized.


2014-08-30 22:57 GMT+02:00 Ynhockey <ynhockey@gmail.com>:

Hi Saqib,

Actually there is an international team which Romaine is part of, and the blog post should be about your experiences and challenges for WLM in Pakistan, the text will probably be posted on the international site verbatim when/if appropriate.

—Yan (Ynhockey).

On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 11:55 PM, Saqib Qayyum <saqib.qayyum@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Lodejiwik.

Romaine sent an email to mailing list . we're looking for someone who can write a blog post on WLM official blog about WLM 2014.. since you're the one who always used to wrote for blog in the past, so i thought I should ping you .. i don't think the post should be very long or detailed enough. a brief one would do mentioning which countries are doing WLM this year.. 

I think all the credit should go to Romaine since even though we dont have any international WLM team this year but Romaine did a great job to make sure WLM 2014 run fine so I think we should mention him in the post..

other can make suggestions for the post but you now what else the post should cover.


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