We have been working, as for Andorra & Spain, with a schedule on the basis for starting on 15 April, just to fit with the international dates. We do not care if it is moved to May, but I would like a clear decision soon from the international commitee. Our sponsors are quite confused. Otherwise within 10 days we will launch press releases and promotion.


Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 14:54:32 +0100
From: jansen@wikimedia.nl
To: wikilovesearth@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: Re: [Wikilovesearth] Any progress?

Hi Vacio,

I did not get any update about a meeting yet, I do know it would take some time to reach all participating countries.
In the Netherlands we are def. aiming on 1 May- 30 June. The international contest doesn't have to take place in the same period in my opinion?


Denise Jansen
Communicatie en Community support
Wikimedia Nederland

tel. 06 á2952 0069
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2014-03-20 14:09 GMT+01:00 <vacio@riseup.net>:
Dear all,

Is there any progress?

Did we consider integrating WLE with WLM? (I am not sure is September is
the best time, just asking).

In any case, we need to start planning and local promotion at least 2
months the contest starts. So I am afraid we are already running behind
for the period May 1-June 1.

What do you think?


(Wikimedia Armenia)

Wikilovesearth mailing list

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