Wikimedia Spain is planning WLE for the whole May. And we are talking with Wikimedia Portugal to launch the contest also in that country together.

Santi Navarro

Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 13:09:35 +0100
Subject: [Wikilovesearth] Timeframe WLE 2015

We in Germany are currently discussing a timeframe for WLE 2015.
We had 8 weeks (May/June) in 2014. Whilst the time counted for >14.000 uploaded pictures from quite a mass of new users, it also meant a lot of work for the few german volunteers answering questions and helping users.

We're currently thinking of May,10th to June, 10th 2015 as timeframe for WLE 2015 Germany.
Since the first week of June is a very common excursion-weekend in germany (4 days off for most of the country) we wanted to have the first week of june within the competition.

Is there any current planning in other countries?

[nach mir der synflood.]

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