Dear WLE community!

This year in order to help our contest be more shared and inclusive for everyone, we're inviting experienced WLE volunteers to become regional ambassadors to help out the international organizing team.

The main responsibilities of the ambassadors are the help with translations and communications in order to reach out to more regions, where English is not so widespread.

So, meet some of our ambassadors!

Also, we have other great people helping us with engagement across the globe and we would be glad to see more people from other regions! You are welcome to apply to represent your region and make your unique contribution to Wiki Loves Earth 2023! Feel free to contact us at Here you can check the full international organizing team:

If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to approach us.

Thank you and stay tuned for the WLE 2023 and upcoming updates!

Best regards,

Olesia Lukaniuk
Project Manager for Wiki Loves Earth