Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you so much again for your efforts in organizing the WLE contest this year!
After the main part, you will need to work with your local jury in order to submit the winners.
To make these processes more smooth, we decided to make an open office – call where we will guide you about the next steps in more detail and space where you can ask your questions or clarifications.
This event will happen tomorrow at 4:30 pm UTC (Monday, August 8, 2022)
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87183883259?pwd=eUsxVHhuRHQrcXpHZEtnK05oRUxlUT09
Meeting ID: 871 8388 3259
Passcode: 218948
We’ll have a recording for those who cannot join, but if you have an opportunity - join and let’s make WLE 2022 great together!