Hello everyone,

The number of images collected so far is significantly lower than last
year. We have been wondering why it would be. There are many possible

One point explored has been the number of views of the WLA landing page

This year,
- we changed the banner quite significantly in style (I hope you like
it... I can not enjoy it from France :))
- we collided with Wiki Loves Folklore the first two weeks for the use
of the site notice
- now, we are obviously sharing the banner space with Women Month banner
(this is the one I see full time :))

So we have been looking if this impacted the number of visitors to the
main page. And the results are interesting.
Guillaume provided those links, which I invite you to look at

----> Pages views of landing pages in 2021 :

----> Pages views of the same in 2020 :

Some conclusions

1) English landing page views are higher this year, though they have
rejoined the equivalent numbers to last year the past few days (roughly,
between 30000 to 50000 pages view per day)

2) French landing page views are lower this year (20000-25000 last year;
10000 this year) ----> we are working on that, but any help on social
media and in the French media would be helpful

3) Arabic landing page views are VERY MUCH lower this year (7000 last
year; basically 0 this year). Weird....

I checked with Romain if there was an issue with the arabic banner.
And the answer was... yes. Because when we launched... the arabic landing page was not ready yet. So all arabic visitors were redirected to the English page (might explain the increase of the English landing page).

If you look carefully, you will observe a big drop in page views for the past 3 days. Started March 1st...
For some reasons... Ciell dropped our banner diet to 50% (we were at 100% before that), supposingly per agreement with me.
Looks like age hit again, because I have no memory of ever agreeing to that and can't find info. So I will talk to her and we'll get it back to 100% unless she has a serious argument. WLE and WLM are always at 100%...

Please note that the main page in arabic is not fully translated. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Africa_2021/ar
Please help

Still, I would like to point out that I have not seen a lot of social media or press related to the contest in arabic. Can you
help promote the contest in arabic ?

