Hi all,

Marshallsumter has now verified his identity, as well as made a presentation about himself at:


I therefore started a voting for his membership in the council there. As per the bylaws, eligible voters are:
1. Current WikiJournal Council Members.
2. Current members of any Editorial Board of WikiJournals
3. Peer reviewers of WikiJournals who have completed at least one peer review.
4. Registered Wikiversity users with at least 30 edits to WikiJournal pages.
5. Not an individual voting for herself/himself.

I also expanded my entry in the list at WikiJournal Council, and I encourage others to do the same:

Best regards,


On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Diptanshu Das <das.diptanshu@gmail.com> wrote:
I agree with Mikael.


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On 15 May 2017 at 01:37, Mikael Häggström <editor.in.chief@wikijmed.org> wrote:
I agree that we ask Marshallsumter to make a short presentation about himself before deciding.

I think we can have the online list at WikiJournal a bit more detailed about our activities on and off wiki, more like the ediorial board list at WikiJournal of Medicine. It can still be done even if we choose to let members use pseudonymous usernames to the public.

Best regards,


On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 5:38 PM, Diptanshu Das <das.diptanshu@gmail.com> wrote:
I support Thomas's suggestion. I have added a note in the discussion asking Marshallsumter. I would be adding my credentials along with a note about my on-wiki and off-wiki priorities and experience soon. I would encourage others to do the same even though most of the details might already have been furnished when they were included in the Editorial board of WJM.


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On 14 May 2017 at 18:35, Thomas Shafee <thomas.shafee@gmail.com> wrote:
Having read Marshallsumter's  CV, his background seems appropriate, particularly for a science journal.

It would still be worth asking him to write a short intro on a) his specific on-wiki experience and priorities, and b) relevant off-wiki experience.

Indeed, I would support us all having to do this to join the council so that there isn't a double-standard between members that joind at the start, or are just joining now.

All the best,

On 12 May 2017 20:14, "Mikael Häggström" <editor.in.chief@wikijmed.org> wrote:
Hi WikiJournal participants!

Marshallsumter has expressed interest in becoming part of WikiJournal Council, which has raised some questions about membership in general. See:

Also, I think we should have a separate confidential email for the WikiJournal Council, similarly to what is used by the editorial board of WikiJournal of Medicine in addition to its open-for-everyone email list and the preferred practice of making an online wiki entry whenever possible.

Best regards,


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Thomas Shafee

La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science & Hexima Ltd | Postdoctoral research fellow

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