---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: NarayanChandra Ghosh <sis2017@iicb.res.in>
Date: 18 March 2017 at 23:46
Subject: Acceptance of Submitted Abstract for Presentation - SIS2017
To: das.diptanshu@gmail.com

Dear Author(s),

We are happy to inform you that your submission entitled WikiJournal - A new form of open access publishing has been accepted for presentation in the Conference on Öpen Access: The Road to Freedom and 33rd Annual Convention of the Society for Information Science (SIS) to be held at Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Jadavpur, (Kolkata) during April 7-8 2017.

Therefore you are requested to make your convenience to prepare your presentation along with the registration formalities you require for the purpose. You will be given approximately 7 minutes time for the power point presentation of your work, but the same may be shorten due to time constraints (if so arises).

The abstract will be considered for inclusion in the programme schedule as well as in Pre-conference Souvenir, only after your registration latest by 31 March 2017. However, you are requested to register (online) at an earliest possible to avoid inconveniences to the organizers.

Your cooperation in this regard will be highly solicited. Online registration form is accessible from:


Thanking you,

Review Committee, SIS-2017
