--Having read Marshallsumter's CV, his background seems appropriate, particularly for a science journal.It would still be worth asking him to write a short intro on a) his specific on-wiki experience and priorities, and b) relevant off-wiki experience.Indeed, I would support us all having to do this to join the council so that there isn't a double-standard between members that joind at the start, or are just joining now.All the best,ThomasOn 12 May 2017 20:14, "Mikael Häggström" <editor.in.chief@wikijmed.org> wrote:--MikaelBest regards,Also, I think we should have a separate confidential email for the WikiJournal Council, similarly to what is used by the editorial board of WikiJournal of Medicine in addition to its open-for-everyone email list and the preferred practice of making an online wiki entry whenever possible.Hi WikiJournal participants!Marshallsumter has expressed interest in becoming part of WikiJournal Council, which has raised some questions about membership in general. See:
https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Talk:WikiJournal_User_ Group#Membership_in_the_ WikiJournal_Council
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