Nézegessetek, szavazzatok!
A szavazgatás többek között az Europeana különdíjáért folyik:
A magyar képeket az oroszokkal együtt itt találjátok:
Dear Wikipedians,
As part of Europeana’s special Art Nouveau competitions we just (re-)published 360 of the best Art Nouveau photos on the Europeana Flickr account. This means we’ve reduced the nearly 3000 photos categorized for the Art Nouveau competition by the Wiki community. The images, divided into sets, can be found here, http://www.flickr.com/photos/europeanaimages2/collections/72157628008148113/
The idea is then that until December 5th people will be able to “vote” for their favourites. Actually, it’s using the Flickr favourite function that counts as a vote. There are no really strict rules to the voting, just favourite the ones you like and as many as you like and we’ll count the votes.
Based on the popular vote and selection by the Europeana internal work group and jury we’ll then make a special Wiki Loves Art Nouveau exhibition on the Europeana exhibitions platform(at http://exhibitions.europeana.eu/exhibits/browse?tags=europeana-en ) . The exhibition will encompass about 50-100 photos with the winner of the Art Nouveau competition showcased especially.
We would be really happy and grateful if you could all help in spreading the word about the popular vote on Flickr on your blogs, through your Twitter accounts and mailing lists. The Europeana blog post announcing this can be found at http://blog.europeana.eu/ and please feel free to translate it or link back to it.
Best regards,
Product Developer