Hopefully the internal dispute on-wiki is now resolved.
On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 7:17 PM, Scott MacDonald <doc.wikipedia@ntlworld.com
I discovered the NPG's infringement after the article [[John Michael Wright]] was slated for TFA (due in an hour or two). As I say, I wrote 95% of it.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Main_Page/Errors#Errors_in_the_summar y_of_today.27s_or_tomorrow.27s_featured_article
The joke is now on me as people actually want to pull the TFA because of a perception that I violated the NPG's copyright. To say I'm pissed off it to put it mildly.
-----Original Message----- From: wikien-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:wikien-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Scott MacDonald Sent: 20 March 2011 20:54 To: 'English Wikipedia' Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] NPG copyright irony
I guess I was mainly enjoying the irony that people so prickly about their own asserted copyrights can be so slapdash with material that is someone else's copyright. They threw bricks at Derrick, now it appears they are inhabiting a glass-house.
I doubt I'm much motivated to do anything about it beyond chuckle with a little righteous indignation, but if someone else wants either to contact them and ask them to acknowledge Wikipedia and the correct license, or to use the whole thing to throw a publicity brick back at them, they are very welcome. I will chuckle more.
Any way you look at it, they have (probably carelessly) asserted copyright over material that they certainly do not have copyright over, and (probably inadvertently) violated my rights and those of Wikipedia. Given the circumstances, that's somewhat funny.
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