[[Wikipedia:Deletion policy]] seems to have sprouted the following language:  "

When you list a page on Wikipedia:Votes for deletion that you think will be listed for the entire 7 days -- i.e., a page that won't be deleted immediately -- please place the following notice above the page's content:

''This page has been listed on [[Wikipedia:Votes for deletion]]. Please see that page for justifications and discussion.'' ". 

And [[Wikipedia:Votes for deletion]] now says:

"NOTE: Always indicate on the listed page itself that it is here. See Wikipedia:Deletion_policy#Listed_for_deletion_notice. If this is not done, then the page will not be deleted. "

Now, I can't say that I DISAGREE with this policy (although I think that having to put this notice on every page to be deleted is a tad excessive), but when and where was this policy discussed?  Was it ONE PERSON who made the decision, UNILATERALLY, that nothing would be deleted unless his/her pet boilerplate was put onto the page in question?

Such new policies need to be discussed, not just thrown out as a fait accompli.  Other sysops may just go ahead and delete pages without the boilerplate, and have the right to do so, since this "policy" is only one person's decision, and not the agreement of the users of Wikipedia as a whole.



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