No, it isn't.  Morality is hardly "permissable" or not "permissable", but what the person in question values.

Delirium <> wrote:
Rick wrote:

> Because nobody is an "abortion supporter" except those setting up
> straw men to attack the pro-choice position.

The phrasing of it as "choice" is a bit odd too though, because whether
it's a choice or not isn't the real issue; whether it's morally
permissible is the issue. Thus in my quick perusal of the Journal of
Applied Ethics, the terms people who think abortion should be legal seem
to self-apply include things like "supporter of legalized abortion" or
"defender of the moral permissibility of abortion". So articles are
entitled "A Defense of Abortion" (a particularly famous one), not the
more newspeak-sounding "A Defense of a Woman's Right to Choose Abortion".


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