How is this possibly useful to any discussion?

Christopher Mahan <> wrote:
WARNING: Sarcasm rampage.

--- Robert wrote:
> Martin, you really can't stop the harassment, can you? You
> really have no ability to control your rage, do you?

RK, you really can't stop the anti-harassment, can you? you
really have no ability toe control your rage, do you?

> You and Entmoots Of Trools have now created som SIX
> WIKIEPDIA PAGES dedicated to slander and harassment of me
> alone.

Woot? Only six measly pages for such an illustrious Wikipedia
Intelligensia Esteemed and Most Honoured Member? Six hundred, even
six thousand would be more fitting!

> I can't imagine how many hours you two have spent
> obsessed with me,

Narcissim at its best, my hat is off to you. O High One.

> and damaging Wikipedia in the process.

Quick, the Fire Brigade.. Hum, the Antibodies, hum... What are they
called these days? The Phlegm Patrol?

> So yeah, I do really think that you are in some clinical
> sense, obsessed (i.e. "sick").

A most astute diagnosis my Dear Colleage. I am sure the autopsies
will prove you right.

> You have spent months
> harassing me, so has Entmoots of Trools, and your
> collective harassment and libel is over the top.

Alas, I fear your humility has come between you and reality. Indeed,
theirs is but a poor attempt at expressing the true nature of your
greatness. You should encourage them to blossom into full-fledged

> Again, I request a ban on both Martin (MyRedDice) and
> EntmootsOfTrools.

So noted, Your Excellency. But, well, as you know, our democracy is
not what it used to be... In the good old days they would have been
hanged and quartered, of course...

> I fail to understand why the Wikipedia
> community is still allowing them to create more and more
> Wiki sites dedicated to slander and harssment.

The Wikipedia community is, at large, busy with working on an
encyclopedia, which, the spies report, Your Majesty, with all due
respect, grows unchecked in all corners of the Your illustrious

> They even
> have created fake User Talk pages, which distract readers
> from my genuine User Talk page.

They have? Oh dear. It would have been better if they had vandalized
valid encyclopedia pages. Then the Rebel Alliance would have surely
struck them down.

> That itself is a bannable
> offense.

If we get our hands on them Your Highness, they will wish they had
been banned. (Whispers sinisters words to shadowy figure behind

> Wiki Sysops have written to them and asked them
> to stop their harssment multiple times, but they refuse to
> do so. What course of action is left?

Indeed, The World and All That Is Good has come to a Most Fateful

> Please ban these unrepentant vandals who refuse to follow
> any semblance of Wikietiquette. This is getting more than
> annoying; it is harassment (in the legal sense of the
> term), and is now bordering on dangerous.

Your Excellency, the FBI, CIA, and Los Angeles Police are once more
powerless against this ignoble enemy. What shall we do ourselves but
flee to the ends of the earth; outcasts hunted by the very demons of

> Robert (RK)

Yes, Robert, King of Wikipedia and All the Articles.

Now that I feel better, what was your problem again?

Christopher Mahan
818.943.1850 cell

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