Micronations are not a subculture.  They are figments of rather fevered imaginations.  And none of your examples is anywhere in the same category.


 The Cunctator <cunctator@kband.com> wrote:

On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 22:06, daniwo59@aol.com wrote:

> I would like to think that we are trying to put together a serious
> encyclopedia. It has nothing to do with whether we are paper or not.

We are. We have entries on [[Dyavaprthivi]], [[Georges Clemenceau]],
[[Post Falls, Idaho]], [[Shanghai solitaire]], [[SPAM]], [[existentialism]],
etc. Which entries are "serious", and which are not?

The micronations fit right in. Micronationalism is a legitimate and
interesting subculture that most likely presages large-scale
sociopolitical dynamics in the coming decades. (As are [[MMORPG]]s, by
the way. We're sadly lacking a [[The Sims Online]] entry. Terrible!)

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