On 5/21/07, Christiano Moreschi moreschiwikiman@hotmail.co.uk wrote:
Hell, I've never even read the MoS. Has anyone? You either write well and reference your stuff, or you don't. It's not that hard. Oh, if someone points out that I'm doing something "wrong", I'll fix it, but if I actually bothered to read the MoS I'd never write anything or get anything done. The urge to conformity is all very nice, but sometime you just have to do your own damn thing. IAR etc.
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Or you write well enough, include the substance, and let other editors take care of your style--it's a group effort, after all. I want to adopt all of the folks who stalk me to edit my contributions and take them to work and school with me for all my writing needs. Alas, they all seem to have lives outside of correcting my turgid prose on Wikipedia.