Wrong Plato. At least in theory.

In theory, the community makes policy. Individual sysops enforce it in short-term, no-brainer cases, the Arb committee enforces it in more complicated cases, and Jimbo steps in and says "whoa" when any of the above screw up royally.

Unfortunately, I don't see a lot of *any* of that going on in practice. Just in theory.


No rick, NO. Jimbo and the Arb commitee make policy not the indivdual sysop.

Rick <giantsrick13@yahoo.com> wrote:
Requiring a sysop to do something which they were not required to do before is making policy.  This is my last posting on this topic.

Mark Richards <marich712000@yahoo.com> wrote:
They are not making policy.

(They are so!)

They are not!

(Are so!)


--- Rick wrote:

> I repeat. Where in the arbitration committee
> charter are they authorized to make policy?
> RickK
> "Poor, Edmund W" wrote:
> What could be more clear or simple?
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