Am I the only one for whom this is highly to specific a discussion topic for this general mailinglist? To be honest, I'm not sure whether I completely understood one single sentence of the below, although I do grasp the single words...
Shouldn't that rather be moved to the article talk page or the discussion page of the appropriate WikiProject or similar?
Best, Michael
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Jay Litwyn wrote:
Someone objected to the new section on jenetiks being stricken with the conclusion that genetics is the cause. I moved to strike it, because it was confusing. In other words, it does not make the conclusion that genetics is the cause, nor does it support anything it does say, so I would delete the section to over-rule an objection.
I was looking for a citation, because a magazine or something does not archive editorials. It turns out that Gajdusek did not like it when Prussiner introduced the word "prion" into English. If I had been looking for "Scrapie", then I might hav found it. It belongs in a subsection in the section about debate. If Prussiner can be credited with anything other than a Nobel prize, it is that his hypothesis tested the dominant theory that life requires both D.N.A. and protein to reproduce.
In a sympathetic jesture, jenetiks does hav things to say about Protease Resistant Protein, so I would give genetics the last word in the debate.
"Agent of [[:category:amyloidosis]] survives temperatures that destroy protein and [[DNA]]" <ref name="pmid10716712">{{cite journal |author=Brown P, Rau EH, Johnson BK, Bacote AE, Gibbs CJ, Gajdusek DC |title=New studies on the heat resistance of hamster-adapted scrapie agent: threshold survival after ashing at 600 degrees C suggests an inorganic template of replication |journal=[[Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.]] |volume=97 |issue=7 |pages=3418-21 |year=2000 |month=March |pmid=10716712 |pmc=16254 |doi=10.1073/pnas.050566797 |url= |issn= }}</ref>
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