Matthew Brown wrote:
On Nov 26, 2007 9:55 PM, Steve Summit wrote:
Yow. I, for one, didn't know that (though I can't say I'm surprised).
I'd advise you to be a little more cautious about taking everything Alec says here at face value. He's presenting it from the maximum-drama, maximum-assumption-of-bad-faith point of view, in my opinion.
I do not want to criticize Alec or his motives. But having been a participant on the mailing list in question from day one, I can say with absolute confidence that it is not and was not in any way nefarious, and that the representations being made about it here and on-wiki are just silly.
A good group of users got together independently to talk about the very real problem of cyberstalking of Wikipedia admins. This is something that all of us should be concerned about. The problem is difficult and complex, and it is not made easier by "free speechers" who like to make the biggest wikidrama out of everything that they can.