>Surely you don't object
to your objections being taken seriously?
In light of the fact that the Arbitration Committee is quite willing
to censure me and others for having the audacity to do the job they
refuse to do, over any objections we may have, I don't think they are
being taken seriously.
On the other hand, if I were to change my handle to GreezyTroll and
start spewing nonsense about "cabal" and "GFDL
corpus", and inserting "faggot" into every other
article, I think my objections would be taken quite seriously. In the
name of "fairness" or somesuch.
>Sorry, but I will continue to do what needs to be done, and I
hope, Heph,
>that you will, too.
Why should we, when our help is so clearly not wanted?
- Hephaestos