Actually, for anonymity, I think we shouldn't store any information potentially linking names and IP addresses to messages. According to the "patriot" act, the government can search anything (like servers) with automatic permission from a judge to find evidence for terrorist suspects. If someone were to write on a talk page "I love Sadam Hussein and Osama bin Laden", then the government would try to trace it to someone, and if they have DSL, they might find someone and "detain" them.  Don't say it's a hypothetical situation, it's happened before. The CIA is starting a program called "Total Information Awareness".  They won't release much about it, but it sounds really bad for websites.

 Brion Vibber <> wrote:
I'm not saying we should shred all records after 24 hours and encrypt
our hard drives. ;) But we should pay attention to how our behavior fits
into a larger context.

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