Thank you for your comments about Leumi's /method of contributing/. I understand that you disagree with him on key points, yet I applaud your determination to let him /describe/ those points.
I believe that it is the Neutrality Policy of the Wikipedia to describe each major point of view (i.e., "POV") on controversial issues. Clearly, a topics] such as the origin, living conditions and destiny of Palestine refugees is a Controversial Issue. Several authors publishing in English have expressed views on this subject.
It doesn't matter whether I /myself/ endorse the views of the ADL, Arafat, Begin, Chomsky, Daniel Pipes, Finkelstein, Hilberg, Janner, Peters, Steinberg, or anyone else. If they or their views are popular, we had better mention their views in the article.
That doesn't mean we have to endorse anyone's view: the Wikipedia is not going to say:
* they were forced from their homes; or,
* they left their homes voluntarily
Rather it will say, it MUST say, that Writer X says they were forced from their homes and that Writer Y says they lef their homes voluntarily.
Our job is not to settle controversies, it's to describe them.
Ed Poor