I know I should already know this, but what is the current process for actually making someone a sysop (not determining if they should be a sysop). Isn't the current system of determining who should be a sysop working? Why does it need to be automated?

 "Poor, Edmund W" <Edmund.W.Poor@abc.com> wrote:

sannse wrote:

> I think Notheruser and Ams80 might have been missed?
> They have requested and been backed for sysops.

I didn't miss those two, but:

* I didn't want to do anything hasty toward the end of a week.
* I'm getting lazy ;-)

How about creating a Button that sysops can use to promote
other sysops? I'm getting tired of writing and checking SQL queries. Also, I don't want to become a gatekeeper :-(

We could (maybe?) hash out some rules, like:

1. Must be nominated and seconded (i.e., takes N votes where N >= 2? or N >= 3?).
2. Can't nominate or second anyone till you've been a sysop
for N days (N > 30 days? N > 90 days? N > 12 months?)

Note: I don't particularly care one way or another, and I'm
not trying to start a debate. I'm just trying to find a way
to avoid work! ^_^

Ed Poor
One of that tiny group of "developers"

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