At least Im not preaching to the choir. :)

I have yet to see an direct response to my statements-- Rick said "It's not from a questionable source" --(as if we were to accept these numbers as gospel)  what utter crap is this? ...On the one hand people argue 'there is no unquestionable source (its all fine)-- there is no absolute NPOV. On the other hand they think that an apartheid state is "not questionable."  (Its all fine.) Then LD stated that 'if these numbers were from the Congo, he wouldnt want them.' -- what standard is he using? What standard are *you using?

I frankly dont care -- I raised the objections not because they were popular, but because they were not. Nobody dealt with my basic oppositon to using a bot to add these particular POV statistics-- nobody could prove that they were accurate --plenty of calls to "prove" that they were not. What utter nonsense.

But its irrelevant--All numbers be taken with a grain of salt, right? Im afraid not-- the inclusion of these numbers sets a precedent, where the WP takes a side in an ethnic dispute. When edit wars do happen over these numbers, the use of a bot as an "offical" WP-sanctioned body of data will hold weight disbalancing any disputed terms. To say that this is not the case is heresy against intelligence.

And Senor Dante-- who were you shutting up?


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