On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 7:03 AM, Magnus Manske magnusmanske@googlemail.comwrote:
Well, AFAIK we all agree that metadata like categories and interwiki links don't really belong into wikitext. Maybe we could find a general solution that also encompasses references (that is, the contents, not the position information within the wikitext). We could move these things into a separate table:
Or just shove them all to the bottom, automatically upon hitting submit. So if you type in "blah blah <ref>http://whatever/</ref> blah" it automatically gets reformatted to "blah blah <ref id=2938 /> blah" and puts "<ref id=2938> http://whatever/</ref>" at the bottom.
Use globally unique IDs, and you can even handle automagic cut/paste copying from article to article.