> I remeber that brief furore - [Telgur the Trollslayer] was a user
> who should have known better pretending to be a sockpuppet of
> some other 'troll' user - nobody was prepared to
> entertain the idea that it was not a sockpuppet.

Uh, Telgur WAS a sock puppet. To quote from user talk:

> "Hi there, I'm a disused sockpuppet widely considered to have been a bad joke."

So, when we thought that Telgur was probably a sock puppet, we were right. While there was a theoretical possibility that there was actually a Mr. Telgur Trollslayer wandering the streets of Bromsgrove, this turned out not to be the case. Yeay for us.

Unless I miss my mark, nobody ever blocked Telgur. Two people (count 'em) said that they thought Telgur was a sock puppet of our life-banned friend. So we did the "ask politely" thing. Then, Mkweise came clean and apologised. Thus our policy on reincarnations worked wonderfully, and we avoided accidentally blocking a non-banned user. Yeay for us again.

In other words, our approach worked then, as it has worked in other cases. Our collective judgement has avoided making mistakes thus far, and long may it continue to do so.