As long as WikiTridents (ψ my version of the money symbol and name) aren't integrated into the software, nobody's going to run around making more accounts for ψs. They can just add five zeros to their ψ100 next to their name. We *could* impliment your complicated system, but that would take a lot of effort and detract from our goal of becomming an encyclopedia. Besides, who would pay for the t-shirts?

--- Ray Saintonge wrote:

The motivations behind this initiative are commendable, but I have a hard time seeing it as anything but extra work. Anybody who has been around for over a month soon sees that there is more than enough work to go around. Just imagine all these otherwise excellent contributors running around accounting for W$. Don't we already spend enough time with the mailing lists? :-) Perhaps when the foundation is at last a reality, and there is real money in the bank for promotional material we could send out "I'm a Wikiholic" buttons and T-shirts paid for in W$. Members could earn W$ for simply editing, but at a higher rate if it's something that the community has asked for. A person could lose W$ for bad behaviour. Maybe Lir and DW could start off owing us T-shirts ;-) Ec

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