I don't agree with that analogy or even the original content of your message. It would be very hard for someone to get around it, and it would prevent most cranks.  But it would be very dammaging to both the values and user base of Wikipedia. (furthermore, I think the gun problem was small, but exagerated by the media, which makes people think that it won't be that weird if I shoot someone, so they feel less held back, and then the media overreports it again. It's a vicious cycle.)

Jimmy Wales <jwales@bomis.com> wrote:
Don't worry, it won't happen. The last thing I need is to be calling
up every crank in the world to see if they are real people.

I think a useful analogy can be made to gun control. Adding barriers
to entry will discourage most normal people, but will only discourage
some of the cranks, who tend to be highly motivated. So rather than
regulations actually helping the problem, they just make it worse.


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