On 2/7/06, Peter Mackay peter.mackay@bigpond.com wrote:
From: wikien-l-bounces@Wikipedia.org [mailto:wikien-l-bounces@Wikipedia.org] On Behalf Of Guettarda
This whole mess has left me feeling bruised and shocked, and rethinking my role here. If El C and Carbonite leave we have lost a lot more than can be counted in them just as individuals. El C, for one, made this place fun, and if you aren't having fun there is not reason to stick around.
Are we here to have fun or to write an encyclopaedia?
Actually, to have fun. We are unpaid volunteers. This is a hobby. If it isn't fun, if it isn't enjoyable, then there is no reason to stick around and no way to build this encyclopaedia. No fun, no community = no encyclopaedia.