K. Peachey wrote:
Just a Heads Up slashdot has new article about wikipedia up and it's use of experts - "The Role of Experts In Wikipedia" http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/02/16/0210251
"Sanger was one of the founders of Wikipedia, and of its failed predecessor Nupedia, who left the fold because of differences over the question of the proper role of experts."
Strange, I thought it was because he stopped being paid for it.
"As you know, since the beginning of February, I've been working on Wikipedia and Nupedia as a part-time volunteer. I haven't been able to do nearly as much as I wish I could do, but job-hunting and money-making activities necessarily occupy a great deal of my time. Unfortunately, I do not expect to see, within the foreseeable future, any sort of compensation for the time and responsibility I've continued to hold in the projects. Now that I'm unemployed, I can ill afford to spend my free time this way. This is, I'm afraid, by far the most important reason for my resignation."
He then forgot about Wikipedia completely for a few years, and re-emerged a critic once the media started paying attention to it.
-- Tim Starling