Yes, Oliver, please name names.  And then go back and look at the posts Lir made that got him banned in the first place, and the posts Vera Cruz made that got him banned in the second place, and the emails to this list where Jimbo said that if Lir returned to the Wikipedia, Jimbo might consider legal action.

And then tell me that I don't have a right to make comments about "Susan Mason", who has been nothing but a thorn in the side of Wikipedia since his VERY FIRST post at [[Iowa State University]].


 Oliver Pereira <> wrote:


I'd be interested to know what these alleged "personal attacks" and lack
of "cooperative spirit" are. I haven't checked every single one of Susan
Mason's edits, but I have looked at quite a few, and most have looked
fairly useful to me. I've seen far worse personal attacks made *against*
Susan Mason than by her, and furthermore more of a cooperative spirit in
her lately than in some of those who have attacked her. Shall I name names
and recommend *them* for banning?

(Incidentally, if Susan Mason is Lir, then I understand that she's really
been banned all along, so none of this is relevant; I am speaking only of
the edits under the name "Susan Mason", viewed without prejudice.)


P.S. - Yes, I know Lir was a "he", but I can't be bothered about correctly
gendered pronouns at the moment...

On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, Poor, Edmund W wrote:

> Any last words, before I disable the Susan Mason account, anybody?
> Susan/Lir/Adam, do you have anything to say to the community?
> Uncle Ed
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jimmy Wales []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 6:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Re: User:RachelCorrie
> Jesse Alter wrote:
> > Well, actually, I'd like to (posthumously) withdraw my objection to
> > Lir's banning. I've found through conversation with Lir that they ARE
> > posting as Susan Mason, and they are making personal attacks on people
> > and they're lacking a uhh...cooperative spirit.
> Then Susan Mason is banned, too.
> --Jimbo
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| Oliver Pereira |
| Dept. of Electronics and Computer Science |
| University of Southampton |
| |

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