----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Ehrenberg
To: wikien-l@wikipedia.org
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Re: Filtering, etc.

Did you ever show your mother Bomis? That really is pornography.

Jimmy Wales <jwales@bomis.com> wrote:
Dante Alighieri wrote:
> I'm sorry, but if other people want to censor information from themselves
> and children in their charge, that's /their/ problem, not ours. I don't see
> why we need to be held hostage to the Puritanical views of a few people out
> there who think that it would somehow be a disaster if a child read the
> felching article. Why do their work for them? If they want a filter, let
> /them/ write it. Let /them/ argue what it should filter. Let's leave
> Wikipedia just the way it is.

In what we are we held hostage just by including content metadata and
allowing people a simple option for how they want to view the
wikipedia? I think such dramatic analogies would be appropriate if
our only possible course of actions were to either self-censor or let
it all hang out, but it seems to me that we have several p! romising
alternatives that pose a useful compromise.

Again, I ask you to think not of schools and their issues, but of me
and my issues. I'm a modern person offended by almost nothing. And
yet, I wouldn't like to be showing my mother wikipedia and say, o.k.,
here is how you edit, and over here is where people can see the recent
changes, and OH MY!!, er, well, uh, really, this isn't about porn, ma.

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